I use and improve the structuralist framework
which was developed by Sneed, Stegmüller,
Moulines, Günter Ludwig, Heinz-Jürgen Schmidt,
and others in the last sixty years.
This theory
- formulates a general model of the structure, the
hypotheses and the developments
of scientific theories
- clarifies the many different scientific methods
- contains reconstructions of scientific
theories from all areas of science
- contains reconstructions of scientific methods
- contains reconstructions of intertheoretical relations
and links between scientific theories.
Some works in which I was involved.
1991: Eleftheriadis, A. Die Struktur der hippokratischen Theorie der
Medizin, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main etc.
1995: Urban, J. Zusammenspiel von Problemlöse-
strategien und Theorie-Entwicklung: Ein Ansatz zur Simulation, MA-Thesis,
Universität München.
1997: Horster, N. Principles of Exchange and Power. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main.
1998: Gonzalez Ruiz, A. Die Netzwerktheorie der Handlung von R. S. Burt: Eine strukturelle und epistomologische Analyse. Peter Lang Verlag, Frabkfurt/Main etc.
1998: Heinrich, W. Inexakte Messung und Datenkinematik. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main etc.
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