Theory of Science

I use and improve the structuralist framework
which was developed by Sneed, Stegmüller,
Moulines, Günter Ludwig, Heinz-Jürgen Schmidt,
and others in the last sixty years.

This theory
  - formulates a general model of the structure, the
    hypotheses and the developments
    of scientific theories
  - clarifies the many different scientific methods
  - contains reconstructions of scientific
    theories from all areas of science
  - contains reconstructions of scientific methods
  - contains reconstructions of intertheoretical relations
    and links between scientific theories.

Classical Collision Mechanics
Theoretical Terms
On Incommensurability
Ranking Political Systems
Knowledge and Science as Commodites
The Triplet Structure of Concepts
The 'Classical' Linguistic Transformational Theory
Simulation in Social Experiments
Digital Humanities and Hermeneutics
What a Bot knows?

Models for Genetics

Some works in which I was involved.

1991: Eleftheriadis, A. Die Struktur der hippokratischen Theorie der Medizin, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main etc.
1995: Urban, J. Zusammenspiel von Problemlöse-
strategien und Theorie-Entwicklung: Ein Ansatz zur Simulation, MA-Thesis, Universität München.
1997: Horster, N. Principles of Exchange and Power. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main.
1998: Gonzalez Ruiz, A. Die Netzwerktheorie der Handlung von R. S. Burt: Eine strukturelle und epistomologische Analyse. Peter Lang Verlag, Frabkfurt/Main etc.
1998: Heinrich, W. Inexakte Messung und Datenkinematik. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt/Main etc.

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